Ms. Mika's Topic of the Day

What do I feel like discussing today...hmmm, let me think...

Monday, April 10, 2006

Wisdom, You R Amazing! Post 1

These are some pics of my amazing 4yr old daughter, Wisdom doing what she does best--EVERYTHING!

Ok, ok, ok, so I'm basis. But seriously folks, these are pics of her doing various gymnastics (so I call it) and she's NEVER had any formal training! I want 2 put her into gymnastics, but I can't find a place/trainner nor can I afford it...what a waste.

Sorry, the pics are in different post, but I could only send two pics at a time from my phone and they were all posted TODAY, but to get them in order I had to change the date.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Wisdom, You R Amazing! Post 2

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Wisdom, You R Amazing! Post 3

Friday, April 07, 2006

Wisdom, You R Amazing! Post 4

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Hangin' Out With Bobo The Clown!

I took the my daughter, Wisdom, my nieces and nephews along with my mother and brother, the children's father to see Bobo The Clown at the Lincoln Park Recreational's some pics...

Wisdom, Bobo, Mommie and Kylyn, Jr.

Bobo, Mommie and Kylyn, Jr.

Kylyn, Jr. Bobo, Me, Wisdom, Kyra, Kyron & Chayla

Kylyn, Jr., Bobo, Me, Wisdom, Kyra, Kyron & Chayla...Again!

Bobo and Me!

As you can see, we had a ball! Bobo The Clown is an amazing character! Extremely entertaining for both children and adults. Never, not once did he stray from character or loss his cool with the children. Even after the show he stayed and signed autographs and took pics awhile remaining true to his art. He's a true professional in every since of the word and I recommend him for any event! Here check out his website Bobo The Clown and Friends he does other characters as well! These pics were taken after the event and guess what? Bobo and friends provided these pics to me as a curtsey! Again, we just had a ball and if you get the chance catch his act, you'll love it! We sure did!

I have video on my phone, but I don't know how to get it off of there, silly me.

Suggestions anyone?