Ms. Mika's Topic of the Day

What do I feel like discussing today...hmmm, let me think...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I Am Sooo Freakin' Pissted!

Monday, May 15, 2006 on Grey's anatomy, Denny (my love) was killed off! My goodness, why?!? I don't understand it? He was sooo charming! I feel in love with him--and when he proposed, my heart melted!

Izzie was pleading w/Denny to let her save his life. To do so, she'd have to stop his already felling heart in order to worsen his vitals resulting in his being pushed up on the donor list.
(She broke me! I was crying so hard, my eyes hurt!)

Denny agrees to let Izzie save his life...they're passion--Oh, they're PASSION!
They're passion was on the level of General Hospital's:
Luke and Laura!

Izzie's trying to explain to Denny what she will be doing step-by-step.

unfortunately all of her efforts went for not, Denny died. This was thee most horrific decisions the writers could have ever made!


Below is a one of 4-6 post I placed on Grey's anatomy blog, Grey Matter: From the Writer's of Grey's anatomy:

******** BOOHOOHOO ********


I love seemed Denny loved us...Shonda; you made us love this man, fall in love with this man…just to take him away!! Ur the creator, why do this?!? I just don't understand...was it that you guys couldn't figure out where to take the storyline...I as well as millions of others could've made suggestions--which could be your next add-on to the show—have people vote on an ending (which I wish u would have done that this time--my TV love, Denny would STILL be with us!) Oh well...

I hate that I still can't let this...this...this feeling of emptiness is unreal—literally, yet it seems 'real' to me...on my way in to work this morning, I asked my mother, "Can you believe I still can't get over the Denny thing?"

Shonda, you took away a piece of ‘peace’ that millions of women had in Denny...sure we know he was fictional, but that's what women do...we fantasize. We read books about love (I don't--honestly, I don't), we watch movies, read magazines, rent movies...Denny was the guy in those books,, magazines and movies...he was so 'real' yet fictionJeffreyffery’s acting abilities are just amazing...and talk about FINE! He's a handsome man! I mean that white boy got it goin’ on! Even with a hair chest (I don't like hairy men--never have!) My theory on that is, if I have to shave, so should you, but I digress...

Anywho, GREAT SHOW, GREAT SEASON, GREAT WRITERS, GREAT ACTORS with an even GREATER CREATOR! Congratulations, see you next season!


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